Friday, February 22, 2008

Ms. Lawrence's Science Blog

Surf the web! See what your young scientists are doing inside the classroom. Keep abreast with homework assignments, projects, and laboratory activities.

We have started our sixth and final marking period on May 5, 2008. We will use our textbooks titled: "The Changing Surface of earth", "Motion Forces and Energy" for Science 7 Honors & continue to use "Life's Structure and Function" for Grade 8 Science. Lessons and projects are aligned with the school curriculum and directly conform to the New York State Standards.

Class News
Every Friday students will complete a quiz as an assessment of the work covered during that week. At times, they will complete journal writings, unit tests, projects, lab activities, and team work for assessments. The next two marking periods we will be learning about earth science. Students will bring their textbooks home to complete homework assignments. As the school year progresses, we will continue to reinforce classroom procedures, expectations, consequences, and rewards.

Science 7 Honors - We have completed our course study for the school year 07/08. Units covered were: Minerals, Rocks, the Rock Cycle, Volcanoes, Earthquakes, Plate Tectonics, Weathering & Erosion, soil, Earth's Energy and Mineral Resources, Weather, Climate and Air Pollution, Views of the Earth and Its' past, Geologic Time, Momentum, Newton's Law of Motion, Simple Machines and Work.

Science 8 - We have completed our course study for the school year 07/08. Units covered were: Atmosphere, Weather, Climate, Air Pollution, Ecology, Genetics, Evolution, Reproduction, and Cell Processes.

This Week's Highlights!
Week of June 16th - June 20th ( 7th Grade Honors)

  • Review Rocks, minerals, fossils, volcanoes, earthquakes, Seafloor spreading, Plate Tectonics, Soil, Weathering & Erosion, Cooling & Heating, Weather & Climate, Atmosphere & Air pollution, Erosional Forces, Energy & Energy Resources, Newton's Laws of Motion, Simple Machine and Work, Nature of Matter and Chemistry .
Homework assignments for this week:

  1. Review for finals!!!

Note: Students will be given a study guide and packets to review for Science final exam!

Week of June 16th - June 20th (Grade 8 Science)

  • Review Atmosphere, Weather, and learn about climate and Air Pollution, Classification, Ecology, Genetics & Evolution, Reproduction, Cell Processes, Nature of Matter and Chemistry.

Homework Assignments for this week:

  1. Review for finals!!!

Note: Students will be given a study guide and packets to review for finals.

Reminders to Students!

  • All labs are worth 20% of course grade (turn them in!).
  • All journal writings are worth 15% of course grade (turn them in!)
  • Tests are worth 25% of course grade (Study hard!)
  • Homework assignments are 10% of your grade
  • Science final exam is 20% of course grade!
  • Complete homework assignment on time (You are responsible!)
  • Always be prepared for class!

Reminders to Parents!

Continue to check with your child about his or her assignments:

  • Be prepared for final exams!!!
  • Thanks for your continued support!

Upcoming Events!

  • Science Final exams for 7th & 8th Graders: June 24, 2008
  • Wrapping up year end "Green School Program" after school, Mondays & Thursdays

Thank You Students!

Cheyenne Watkins (Period 6 class) For being so motivated, enthusiastic and helpful in class!

Thomas Scott (Period 2 class) for improving grades this past marking period.

Thank you all for being such wonderful students! Continue to work hard and be respectful!

Have a nice summer!!!

1 comment:

Mr. Michael Brundage said...

Yeah Ms. Lawrence! I liked the reminders to parents and students - and loved the positive notes about the scholars!